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There are several computing fundamentals that have been put down by the likes of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. This article will discuss a few of them, including what a computer is, how it works, and the history of the term "computer science." Computer science is a broad field with diverse interests within it. People fall into different niches in this field just like they do in other disciplines. However, what unites all these niches or subfields is that they are focused on system design and decision making processes. These processes help us to better understand how intelligent systems work so that we can improve our own understating of the world around us. Some of these aspects of computer science include (but are not limited to): Artificial Intelligence, which is the study of human like intelligence in machines and how we can make them more intelligent. It also includes things like natural language processing and pattern recognition within computers. One important aspect of this field is that instead of trying to make a computer do what we (humans) would do in a given situation, we try and make the computer itself able to make decisions for itself. This includes making it able to better understand the context behind its actions- an important part of making it more human like. Computer Game Science, which is the study and design of computer games and entertainment software programs such as Angry birds or Candy crush. It is all about how to make computers act like humans by assigning goals, building up situations, and assigning AI to the computer characters. Computer Animation, which is the study of how to create realistic looking still images that also move. It is an art form that merges computer science with animation making it possible to create human like animations using real humans as models. Human Computer Interaction (HCI), which is the study of how people interact with computers and help computers understand us better. It looks at what happens when a person uses a computer, what they type into it, and how this answers them back in some way or another answers them back . This answers back in some way or another answers them back . This answers back in some way or another answers them back . This answers back in some way or another answers them back . Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), which is the study of how people interact with computers and help computers understand us better. It looks at what happens when a person uses a computer, what they type into it, and how this answers them back in some way or another again. The history of computers can be broken down into several different parts. Each of these have a different set of people that has influenced the way that the field developed. Therefore, one can say that certain people have had an impact on the field as a whole and being named as being part of this history is an important step in recognizing the importance of those individuals. These include: The very first computer was built by Charles Babbage sometime around or during 1837-1842, or possibly much earlier. This machine was a mechanical computer called a difference engine, which was able to solve mathematical problems but could not be used for other things such as writing text. cfa1e77820